Breathtaking Oasis!

Check out these breathtaking Oases, which are probably the most beautiful Oases in the world!

Ubari Oasis (Libya)

Ubari Oasis (Libya)
Ubari is an oasis city in South-Western Libya, in the Targa valley. It lies between the Messak Sattafat plateau and Idhan Ubari sand dunes and lakes. The oasis is the second centre after Ghat for Kel Ajjer Tuareg. Neighbouring villages include Germa, and In Garran. The water is salted like the dead sea, but swimming into it is rather not a good idea as it is very dirty.

Huacachina (Peru)

Shimmering beneath the scorching sun of the Peruvian desert is an extraordinary sight - a tiny settlement, complete with lagoon, lush palm groves, carob trees, cafes, neatly clipped lawns, 100-strong population and even the odd swimming pool.

 Huacachina Peru
Huacachina Peru
For thousands of years, Huacachina, otherwise known as the ‘oasis of Americas’ - there is only one - has been a beacon of green, hidden deep amid hundreds of miles of barren desert. Huacachina serves as a resort for local families from the nearby city of Ica, and increasingly as an attraction for tourists drawn by the sport of sandboarding on sand dunes that stretch several hundred feet high.
Huacachina Oasis Peru
Huacachina Oasis Peru

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I'm Neethu Odukkathu, Follow Me on Twitter or On Facebook


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